Company Background
Established in 1978, digitpress is today recognized as one of Malaysia's largest one-stop printing trade house. Initially providing printing services mainly to the music manufacturing and publishing industries, today,
digitpress offers a fully comprehensive range of printing and packaging services to meet the needs of
Malaysia's rapidly developing industries.
Equipped with advanced automation technology, digitpress boasts higher production efficiency.
digitpress does not intend to rest on it laurels and has already had expansion plans under way.
Corporate Vision
digitpress has never ceased from improving its services and professionalism in order to satisfy the customers better.
Some of our customers such as Sony Music Entertainment has reached the ISO standard. Hence, as a
marketing-oriented company, we strive to comply with their standards by achieving the ISO 14001 standard in the near future.
In addition, we aim to be the pioneer of our industry as the first OBM (Original Brand Manufacturer). We are in the midst of developing our home brand products such as the creation of a new packaging methodology, i.e.
digitpress-branded CD and cassette casing.